Several Valuable Tips Regarding Proofreading
The Most Useful Proofreading Tips
It’s a well-known fact that dealing with scientific and medical documents requires careful reflection with regard to several essential pieces of advice. Why not you try all of them out and pick out those that you think can work best for you? There is a high possibility of developing a few invaluable techniques of your own. What is more, you may be eager to see in what way these marks should be applied to text while reading the following proofreading recommendations.
Note: It is significant to follow the instructions precisely provided by the publisher on specific proofreading marks.
- Preparing mentally: There is no doubt that proofreading requires patience, time, and concentration. Make sure that you are not rushed, distracted, or tired.
- Gathering supplies: It is quite essential to resort to printing out the proofs. However, even if you decided to make a PDF file electronically, make an attempt to work with your printout in the first place. In fact, quite often errors are missed on screen, but frequently they can jump out on paper. While proofreading you will be obliged to have a ruler, a colored pen, the edited or original manuscript, together with the instructions of the publisher. This also includes specific proofreading marks.
- Seeing the big picture: In the first place, you should begin with comparing the proof with your original submission. The edited version might be applicable, too. You ought to do this so that you are able to make sure that no tables, illustrations, or parts of the text are missing.
- Considering the details: What you are supposed to do next is getting ready for successful proofreading of all illustrations, tables, references, and text. There is no doubt that you will have to look for different spelling errors. What is more, you will be definitely looking for errors that are introduced by the copyedit; errors in notation, symbols, and numbers; errors in illustrations and tables. Frankly speaking, there are some other types of errors, but they depend upon the publisher’s instructions.
- Trusting no word: It is of a great importance to read attentively each word of text, each paragraph, and each sentence. Avoid taking anything for granted and make an attempt to read everything carefully and slowly. Don’t forget about placing the ruler under all sentences as you work. As a matter of fact, covering with a blank piece of paper all of the sentences you are proofreading is significant.
- Focusing on the small things: Proceed with circling and highlighting punctuation marks, as well as symbols. As a result, you will concentrate on them. It is highly suggested to watch even with much more attention for various errors in small words, in particular a, an, of, and, is, the, it, from. They are quite easy to miss.
- Double-checking of numbers, symbols, and scientific notation: Remember to be attentive as you check notation and numbers, not only in tables, but also in text. Ensure that numerical lists are sequential.
- Jumping the margins: To tell you the truth, you should work always from left to right. Apart from that, you ought to ensure that all of the marginal marks correspond exactly with the order of your textual marks.
- Taking regular breaks: Make up your mind with regard to when you are going to take a break. However, you should stop sooner, especially if you begin to rush or realize that you are tired.